Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (eg-iilu, mig-iilu/in-iilu, agent, eg><ø-rdpCV-) to wipe their bottom (eg-iluwan, in-iluwan/mig-iluwan/pig-iluwan, location, eg><an-) with something, e.g., toilet paper, a dry corn cob, or a piece of wood (eg-iluwen, in-ilu/mig-ilu/pig-ilu, ig-ilu, in-ilu, instrument, eg><en-, ig><ø-) e.g., after defecating
Egkeupian a ne eg-iilu te weyig su egkaay-ayaran iya egkaawè ka paluy.
Eg-iluwan ka batè ke eg-indes su kenè mam pad sikandin egkateu ne eg-iilu.
The baby will be wipe bottom after defecating for he/she doesn't know how to wipe his/her bottom.
Egpamitew a te bahal su ig-ilu ku.
Eng. wipe bottom; bottom, wipe
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egpangilu, migpangilu/impangilu, actor) to wipe the bottom of other
Ka egpangilu iyan ka egpamunas te tei/lebut te duma ne etew wey minsan nekey ne due lebut, eg-indes wey malenggew iling te me mananap. Ka duma ne etew ne mawali, egpangilu due te duma ne etew isip kawalian wey sengekakuwa egdeketan e sikandan te sika ne batasan wey iyan e igngaran kandan.
Kenè ka parani te sika ne etew su egpangilu man due sika egpanakuseng.
Don't go near to that person for it ravenly wipe the bottom of other people.
Eng. wipe other's bottom
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: RJH,AAA,AAA,NJK
Last updated: 20/Aug/2010