Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: kinareisekan ne karakelan te minsan nekey
a very small amount of something.
There were traces of fat in the meat, but not very much.
Due deisek amana ne kalambuan te ngalap, piru kenè amana ne dakel.

Def.: minsan nekey ne nahaat [naha͡at] wey ke neengkeran
something which remains which shows that someone or something was in a place.
There were a few pieces of wood on the ground, which were traces of a house.
Due memallintek ne tempug te kayu diyè te tanè, ne nahaat [naha͡at] te baley.
The police couldn't find any trace of the lost man.

Def.: egpamitew te aliddanan
MS: egpamitew te aliddanan
If you trace something, you find the cause of it, or the place where it comes from.
He traced the water problem to a broken pipe.
Impamitew rin ka aliddanan te prublima te weyig wey nakita rin ne nareetan bes ka tubu.

Def.: egpamitew; egkakita
MS: egpamitew; egkakita
If you trace someone or something, you find them.
Police can't trace the lost man.
Kenè egkakita te me pulis ka natarin ne etew.

Def.: egpeilahen ka alung eyew eg-ilingan diyè te pepil
If you trace a picture, you put a very thin piece of paper on it, and use a pencil to mark the lines of the picture on the paper.
He traced the map out of the book onto the paper.
Impeilag din ka mapa diyè te libru wey mig-ilingan din diyè te pepil.

Def.: egpeik-ikulan egtinurua te kemul
MS: egpeik-ikulan egtinurua te kemul
If you trace a line, you follow it with your finger.
He traced the river on the map.
Migpeik-ikulan din tinurua ka pahamayan ne weyig diyè te mapa.
Sem.Dom.: AWL6
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012