Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: kenè egpekeuma wey ke kenè egpakasuhat; egpakakabus; egpekeipi
MS: kenè egpekeuma; kenè egpakasuhat; egpakakabus; egpekeipi
If you miss something, you are not able to reach it or hit it when you try to.
I missed the basket when I threw the basketball.

Def.: kenè egkakita wey ke kenè egkaangey; nakaseip
MS: kenè egkakita; kenè egkaangey; nakaseip
If you miss something, you are not able to see it or get it (maybe because you are too late, or can't go to it).
I missed the bus, so I had to wait for the next one.
Nakaseip ad te bas, sika ka egtetahad a te seup.
I missed the concert because I forgot about it.

Def.: egkaalimengawan
MS: egkaalimengawan
If you miss someone or something, you feel sad because they are not there with you.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0951-0975
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012