Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: kanekal
MS: kanekal
the power to move and do things, and not feel tired, because your body is strong.
I have no energy today because I didn't sleep well last night.
Warè kanekal ku kuntee su wara a amana nakalipereng gabii.
Children have a lot of energy, and can play and run for hours.

Def.: kanekalan ne egpuun iling te weyig wey ke aldew ne egpakabehey te kurinti
MS: kanekalan ne egpakabehey te kurinti
power from things such as water and the sun, which you can use to produce electricity.
Solar panels collect energy from the sun.
Turn off lights if you are not using them in order to save energy.
Sem.Dom.: AWL5

Def.: nenekali
MS: nenekali
An energetic person has a lot of energy, and does a lot of things.
Status: ready

Last updated: 27/Sep/2012