Def.: egsuman-suman
MS: egsuman-suman
If you consider something to be the case, you think it is the case.
I consider her to be my best friend.
Migsuman-suman a ne telek ne alukuy ku sikandin.
I consider it impolite to interrupt someone.
vi, vt.
Def.: egsumsumanen eg-ay-ayari
MS: egsumsumanen
If you consider something, you think about it carefully.
This is an important decision, so consider carefully before you decide.
Def.: egsuman-suman wey egtanud-tanud te nateil ne kamalehetan ke eggimu te lein
MS: egsuman-suman; egtanud-tanud
If you consider a particular fact, you remember it when you think or decide about something.
When you make an important decision, you need to consider all the facts.
Ke egbehey ka te impurtanti ne puhawang, keilangan ne egtantanuran nu ka langun ne me kamalehetan.
I know you are upset with him, but consider the fact that he didn't mean to hurt you.
Def.: eg-addat; egbassa; egrispitu; egtahud
MS: eg-addat; egbassa; egrispitu; egtahud
If you consider other people, you care about them, and want them to be comfortable and happy.
We should consider the feelings of others when we speak.
Keilangan ne egbassaan ta ka me geyinawa te duma ke eglalag ki.
Please consider others and don't play loud music late at night.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0176-0200
Def.: maaddat; mabassa
MS: maaddat; mabassa
A considerate person cares about other people and wants them to be comfortable and happy.
Status: ready
Last updated: 26/Sep/2012