Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpekeyimu (te mareet ne himu)
MS: egpekeyimu
If you commit a crime or sin, you do that thing.
He committed many small crimes.
Masalig ka neyimu rin ne dereisek ne samuk.

Def.: igbehey ka umul
MS: igbehey ka umul
If you commit to someone or something, you decide to make them very important in your life for a long time.
When you marry, you commit your whole life to one person.
Emun ke eg-asawa ka, igbehey nu ka intiru ne umul nu diyè te sabeka ne etew.
She committed herself to the work of caring for sick children.

Def.: egbehey wey egpahamit
MS: egbehey wey egpahamit
If you commit something such as money or time to a particular activity, you say that you will give it or use it for that thing.
For now, I will commit two months to helping the school.
Kuntee, egbehey a te daruwa ne bulan te pegbulig te iskuylaan.

Def.: egpanugtul te pegtuu wey ke suman-suman
If you commit to an idea or opinion, you tell people clearly what you believe or think.
Two people agreed with me, two people disagreed, and two people did not commit to an opinion.
Daruwa ne etew ka mig-uyun keddiey, daruwa ka migsupak, wey daruwa ka warè migpanugtul te kandan ne puhawang.
Sem.Dom.: AWL4
Status: ready

Last updated: 28/Sep/2012