Def.: langun (meyitenged te minsan nekey); intiru
MS: langun; intiru
all of something
I've lived here my whole life.
Mig-ugpa a kayi te intiru ne umul ku.
Def.: kinatibuk-an
MS: kinatibuk-an
a whole is something made of parts joined together.
The body is a whole: all the parts are connected and work together.
Ka lawa iyan kinatibuk-an: ka langun ne baad nakasumpul wey eggimu sikandan langun.
adj, adv.
Def.: timman
MS: timman
If something is whole, all the parts of it are together, and it is not broken.
Take a photo of the cake while it is still whole, before we cut it up.
Litratuwi nu ka kik taheed te senge timman pad, te kenè te pad egpedperiyen seini.
The hungry dog swallowed the large bread roll whole, in just one bite.
In-abeleng te eggutgutasan ne asu ka senge timman ne dakel ne paan [pa͡an], te sabeka rè ne kahat.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0326-0350
Status: ready
Last updated: 10/May/2012