Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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(mangune-kunè) great or terrible
Ka mangune-kunè iyan ka masumpit wey kenè ne iling te mahetteng ke kenè, maumpit ne eg-ul-uleen wey egkeula-ula. Egkaayunan kayi ka egpakaweil wey egkaweil iling te etew, kalamag, weyig wey duma pad. Iyan igpasabut kayi wey igpanengneng ka himu, ul-uleen, kanekal, wey intamanan.
Miglilinug iya mulè te mangune-kunè te egliwarè e te marusilem ne iyan tamani se warè key e nenewulep.
The great earthquake came at the midnight that made us sleepless.
Pakunkunei iya te lusung ka anuhang ku ne egkahiyen ku ne egkamatey e.
My father-in-law had a terrible fever and I thought he would die.
Mangune-kunè ne uran ka miglugsù te timpu ne Nuwi ne iyan nakatimul te pegsipuk te dahat.
It was a heavy rain that came during the time of Nuwi which contributed to the rising of the ocean.
Eng. terrible; horrible; awesome; heavy; unusual; great; incredible; amazing; torrential; overwhelming; powerful; severe; intense
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 30/Sep/2014