Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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(balaanan, -an-an) fish bucket
Ka balaan iyan ka ngaran te selaan te ngalap ne egkeutel. Egkaayun seini ne kabil, liyang, sening, tiyuk wey minsan nekey pad ne egkatahuan.
Hendini nu ka balaanan su duen e man-e neutel ku ne kelekitek.
Pass the bucket because I have caught a toad.
Pegginguma ney pad diyè te baley ne warad tahù te balaanan su neulaan a diyè te deralanen tenged te pegpallahuy ney.
When we arrived at home there is nothing left in the bucket because all spilled out on the road because we ran.
Eng. container; bucket
Ceb. sudlanan
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egpamalaan, migpamalaan/impamalaan, agent, eg><ø-pA-) to collect catch fish or animals
Sikeddiey ubag ka egpamalaan su eyew egpakasawit a degma.
I will be the collector so that I will be having a share as well.
Hentew ka egpamalaan due eyew su egkabusbus e seini?
Who is willing to be a collector because my bucket is about to burst?
Iyan ka ubag egpamalaan se mahaan egpanlesek te ngalap?
You want to be a collector that keeps on hiding some fish?
Eng. gather; collect; gathering
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Updated by: TME,QDL
Last updated: 01/Dec/2009