Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Data Qual: The spelling is very inconsistent below – is there one k in the middle or two? [RJH] XXX
a very short spirit being who clucks like a chicken and approaches the house with the aim of marrying a woman or eating the inhabitants of the house
Ka seini iyan sika se kalasiyan te busew ne egkeen ka limang ne lawwa wey meupiya ka sabeka ne lawwa. Su usahay egbelig seini te egngengelap ne emun ke eglalag iya seini ne egkakak iling te manuk. Emun ke egpegkimpì seini te bubun din egkabulingat kun ka se tampuwaran din ne emun ke egbebesì seini ne kenè egkabulingat ka tampuwaran su nakabalabag kun ka tampuwaran kayi.
Cult. It is very friendly spirit to man or woman that they wanted to be friend. The person to be friend by this spirit can see them and can talk to them.
Due alukey ku ne busew ne kakak diyè te katalunan te Ingadi.
I have a friend spirit their at Ingadi wilderness.
Inlinuhud a ganna te Kakkak ka mig-aangat.
The bad spirit played with me when I hunted animal earlier.
Eng. spirit, (both bad and good)
DDP: Soul, spirit (3.1)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: RN

Last updated: 08/Feb/2010