Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egdantey
MS: egdantey
If you aim something (e.g., a gun) at an object, you move that thing so that you can shoot or throw it and hit the object.
The soldier aimed the gun at the window.
Ka sundalu migdantey te sinapang diyè te bintanà.

Def.: eggisuhaten
MS: eggisuhaten
When you shoot or throw something, if you aim at a particular object, that is the object which you want to hit.

Def.: katuenan te pegdegpak te peggisuhat te minsan nekey ne eggisuhaten
Your aim is your ability to throw or shoot something and hit a target.
The bright sun affected my aim, so I couldn't get the basketball in the hoop.
He has very bad aim, and can never get the basketball in the hoop.

Def.: igkeupii wey egsumasumanen ne egkeyitabù
MS: igkeupii wey egsumasumanen ne egkeyitabù
If you aim to do something, you want and plan to do that thing.
We aim to finish this project by the end of April.
Egsumsumanen ney ne eg-impusan seini ne himuwen te me keepusan te Abril.

Def.: igkeupii ne egkuen
MS: igkeupii ne egkuen
The aim of a person or group is the thing which they want and plan to do.
Our aim is to win the competition.
Ka igkeupii ney ne egdeeg key te kuntis.
Sem.Dom.: GSL1026-1050
Status: not yet fully checked

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012