Def.: pegkalaggew
MS: pegkalaggew
a feeling of being worried about things, or of being too busy.
She has a lot of stress at the moment, because there are problems in her job.
Due dakel ne pegkalaggew rin kuntee, su due me prublima te trabahu rin.
n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: egkabehatan
MS: egkabehatan
a strong physical force, such as a heavy weight.
The bridge broke because it was under a lot of stress from the heavy trucks.
Nareetan ka tulay su egkabehatan te me derakel ne terak.
Def.: eglalahen te mapahetpet su amana ne keilangan
MS: eglalahen te mapahetpet
If you stress something, you say it carefully or strongly because it is important.
My mother stressed that I should never allow my baby sister near hot water.
Ka iney ku miglalag keddì te mapahetpet ne kenè iya igparulug ka atebey ku ne deisek pad te linala ne weyig.
Def.: eglalahen te makeseg ka baad te lalag
MS: eglalahen te makeseg
If you stress a word or part of a word, you say it more loudly.
When you say the word 'believe', stress the second part of the word.
Ke eglalahen nu seini egmakesehen nu te eglalag ka ikaruwa ne baad te lalag.
n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: makeseg
MS: makeseg
the stronger sound which you use for a word or part of a word.
In the word 'believe', the stress is on the second part of the word.
Te lalag ne 'believe', ka makeseg diyè te ikaruwa ne baad te lalag.
Sem.Dom.: AWL4
Status: ready
Last updated: 18/Jan/2012