Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egkasaliyuan; egkaliwanan
MS: egkasaliyuan; egkaliwanan
If something replaces another thing, it is there instead of that other thing.
Fruit has replaced candy as my favorite food.
Ka kindi nasaliyuan te prutas ne ka igkeupii ku ne pegkeen.

Def.: egsaliyuwan; egsubalan; eg-ilisan; egpuliyan
MS: egsaliyuwan; egsubalan; eg-ilisan; egpuliyan
If you replace one thing with another thing, you stop using the first thing, and start using the new thing instead.
My shoes are broken, so I need to replace them.
Ka me sapatus ku nenaddeetan e, sika ka keilangan e ne egsaliyuan kud seini.

Def.: eglibed (te pegtahù)
MS: eglibed
If you replace something, you put it back in the place where it was before.
She replaced the pen on the table.
Inlibed din itahù ka bulpin diyè te lamisa.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0901-0925

n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: 1 pegkasaliyuan; 2 pegsaliyu; pegsubal; peg-ilis; pegpuli
MS: pegkasaliyuan; pegsaliyu; pegsubal; peg-ilis; pegpuli
the action of replacing something.
Note: senses 1, 2
Def.: igsubal
MS: igsubal
someone or something that replaces another person or thing.
Our teacher left, so the school is looking for a replacement.
Ka meistra ney mig-awè, sika ka iskuylaan ney egpamitew te igsubal.
Status: ready

Last updated: 19/Apr/2012