Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: nasì; mulè
MS: nasì; mulè
If you do one thing instead of another thing, you do the first thing and not the second thing. The first thing is in the place of the second thing.
We turned right instead of left and got totally lost.
Nasì key migsuwey te igkakawanan te perem diyè key te igkahibang sika ka nalaag key.
There was no Coke, so we bought Sprite instead.
Warè Kuk, sika ka migbebeli key naan mulè te Isprayt / Warè Kuk, sika ka migbebeli key naan mulè nasi te Isprayt.
Sem.Dom.: adverbs; GSL0626-0650
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012