Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egdeisek
MS: egdeisek
If a number declines, it becomes smaller.
The number of people in that town is declining.
Ka kasuluhan te etew te lungsud migdeisek.
n-uc, n-ct.

Def.: pegdeisek
MS: pegdeisek
the action of a number becoming smaller.
There has been a decline in the number of motorbike accidents this year.
Due pegdeisek te seel te aksidinti te me mutur te seini ne tuig.

Def.: egmareet wey egmahuyè
MS: egmareet; egmahuyè
If something declines, it becomes less good or strong.
I am sad because my grandfather's health is declining.
Amana a ne egkalangè su ka apu kun lukes egmahuye e.
n-uc, n-ct.

Def.: pegkamareet wey pegkamahuyè
MS: pegkamareet; pegkamahuyè
the action of something becoming less good or strong (be in decline).
The power of that country is in decline.
Ka geem [ge͡em] te seeyè ne nasud su migmahuyè.
There has been a decline in the quality of things from that shop.

Def.: eglalag te meupiya te kenè pegpalintutuu
If you decline to do something, you say politely that you will not do it.
The politician declined to comment when the journalist asked him a question.

Def.: kenè egpalintutuuwen; egbalibaran
MS: kenè egpalintutuuwen; egbalibaran
If you decline an invitation, you politely say no to it.
I declined their invitation, because I already had plans for that day.
Warè ku palintutuwa ka hinggat dan, su duen e napuhawang ku te seeyè ne aldew.
Sem.Dom.: AWL5
Status: ready

Last updated: 28/Sep/2012