Def.: egkahi; eglalag
MS: egkahi; eglalag
If you claim that something is the case, you say that it is the case.
He claims that he can run 100 meters in 10 seconds.
Eglalag sikandin ne egpakapallahuy sikandin te sabeka ne gatus ne mitrus te sapulù dè ne sigundus.
He claims that I took his cellphone, but I didn't take it.
Def.: ingkahi; inlalag
MS: ingkahi; inlalag
something which you say is the case (make a claim).
I don't believe his claim that he can run 100 meters in 10 seconds.
Kena a egpalintutuu te ingkahi rin ne egpakapallahuy sikandin te sabeka ne gatus ne mitrus te sapulù dè ne sigundus.
Def.: eg-angken; eg-angayen iya; eg egkahiyen te kandin iya
MS: eg-angken; eg-angayen iya
If you claim something, you say that it is yours, or that you should receive it.
There is a dog around here which nobody has claimed, so I'm not sure who owns it.
Def.: peg-angken wey peg-angey
MS: peg-angken wey peg-angey
words which ask for something which is yours, or which say that you should have something (make a claim).
The FEMMATRICS helps tribal people with land claims.
Ka FEMMATRICS egtabang te me lumad te peg-angken wey peg-angey te tanè.
Def.: katenged ne due egpangamunayen ne minsan nekey
the right to have something (have a claim on or have a claim to something).
My children have a large claim on my time, of course, because they are my responsibility.
Ka me anak ku due dakel ne katenged te timpu ku, eleg dè iya, su due iya katenged ku kandan.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0476-0500
Status: ready
Last updated: 14/Jan/2013