Def.: egpeyidalig; egpaambug [egpa͡ambug]
MS: egpeyidalig; egpaambug [egpa͡ambug]
If you boast, you talk about things that you have or do, so that other people will think you are good.
People don't enjoy talking to him, because he is always boasting about his money.
Ka me etew kenè egkahalè ne egpakiglalag kandin, su layun egpaambug [egpa͡ambug] [egpa͡ambug] sikandin meyitenged te seleppì din.
Def.: hambug
MS: hambug
something good which you say about yourself or your things.
He makes many boasts about his abilities, but he never does anything.
Masalig ka hambug din meyitenged te katuenan din, piru warad iya neyimu rin minsan sabeka.
Def.: due nateil ne butang (te lugar)
MS: due nateil ne butang
If a place or thing boasts certain good things, it has those things.
Our province boasts many beautiful mountains and waterfalls.
Ka prubinsya ney due masalig ne memeupiya ne me bubungan wey me sampew.
Sem.Dom.: GSL1876-1900
Status: not yet fully checked
Last updated: 17/Jan/2012