Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egbalbalawan wey ke egdensihen te deisek
MS: egbalbalawan; egdensihen
If you adjust something, you change or move it a little.
If you lose weight, you will need to adjust your clothes so that they will fit you.
Ke egdeisek ka kabehat nu, keilangan ne egbalbalawan nu ka kaluag te kumbalè nu eyew eg-eleg keykew.
He adjusted the position of the chair so that it was easier to see the TV.
Migbalbalawan din ka pegkatahù te me bangku eyew malemu ne egkakita ka tibi.
The radio was too loud, so they adjusted the volume.

Def.: egbalew-balew te nabatasan
MS: egbalew-balew
If you adjust to a new situation, you change yourself and become accustomed to the new situation.
If you go abroad, you will need to adjust to the new culture.
Ke diyè ka te lein ne inged, keilangan ne egbalew-balew ka te iyam ne pegbebatasan.
Sem.Dom.: AWL5

n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: 1 pegbalbalawan wey ke pegdensig te deisek; 2 pegbalew-balew te nabatasan
MS: pegbalbalawan wey ke egdensihen te deisek; pegbalew-balew te nabatasan
the action of adjusting, or a change (make an adjustment to something).
He works in a tailoring shop, and most of their work is adjustment of clothes.
Adjustment to a new diet can take some time.
He needed to make some adjustments to the machine, because it didn't work properly.
He had to make a lot of adjustments to his lifestyle when he moved to the city.
Status: ready

Last updated: 26/Sep/2012