Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egkehè, migkehè/ingkehè, agent, eg><ø-) to hesitate to do something (egkehaan, ingkehaan/migkehaan/pigkehaan, kehei, location, eg><an-) for a reason (igkehè, ingkehè, ikehè, reason, ig><ø-) (perhaps because you unsure, afraid of making a mistake, or afraid of the consequences)
Data Qual: egkehean/egkehaan
O. Syn. lenew
Kenè ka egkehè ne eglalag keddiey ke nekey ka himu ku ne mareet.
Don't be reluctant to tell me if I am doing something bad.
Egkehaan ku te egpilak sika su kema ke asu ku.
I'm not sure whether to spear that dog, because I'm not sure if it's mine.
Iyan ku igkehè te egtimbak su warè ku na kalaru ke nekey.
The reason that I'm afraid to hit that thing because i'm not sure what it is.
Warè ku kehei.
I didn't hesitate.
Eng. afraid; fearful; dread; inhibited; cautious; hesitate; hesitant; reluctant
Ceb. duha-duha
OCM: Drivers and Emotions (152)
DDP: Confident (, Afraid (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egkakehè, nakehè, kakehè, agent, egkA><ø-) to hesitate to do something (egkakehaan, ingkakehaan/migkakehaan/pigkakehaan, location, egkA><an-) for a reason (igkakehè, ingkakehè, reason, igkA><ø-)
Egkakehè sikandin ne egpurut te ketipa su kema ke kenè.
She is hesitating to pick up the catfish because she is unsure if it's really a catfish.
Iyan din igkakehè te egpurut te ketipa su egkalimerang sikandin.
The reason that she is hesitating to pick up the cat fish it that it gives her the creeps.
Eng. afraid; fearful; dread; inhibited; cautious; hesitant; reluctant
Ceb. duha-duha
OCM: Drivers and Emotions (152)
DDP: Confident (, Afraid (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for something (egpakakehè, nakakehè, agent, egpAkA-) to cause someone to hesitate, or to be the thing (igpakakehè, impakakehè, reason, igpAkA-) which causes someone to hesitate
Egpakakehè ka eggen-gen ka te kasili su malurek.
We will feel unsure to hold an eel for it's slippery.
Igpakakehè ta te egseneb ka linew su kema ke due salimbaweng.
The thing which makes us hesitate to swim in the lake is that we wonder if there is a serpent.
Eng. afraid; fearful; dread; inhibited; cautious; hesitant; reluctant; doubtness
Ceb. duha-duha
OCM: Drivers and Emotions (152)
DDP: Confident (, Afraid (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(makehè, mA1-) hesitant
Eng. hesitant; indecisive
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 08/Dec/2014