Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egkatekkew wey egkeinu-inu amana te minsan nekey; nawangalan
MS: egkatekkew; egkeinu-inu; nawangalan
If you wonder at something, you feel very surprised or amazed.
She wondered at the beautiful sunset.
Neinu-inu amana sikandin te uupiyei ne peglineb te aldew.

Def.: pegkeinu-inu te amana ne tetelesi wey ke makabebagget ne minsan nekey; pegkawangali
MS: pegkawangali
a feeling of being surprised and amazed because something is very good or very interesting.
The child was full of wonder when he saw the tiny kittens.
When I look at the stars, I have a feeling of wonder, because they are so amazing.

Def.: kein-inuwan
MS: kein-inuwan
If something is a wonder, it causes people to feel surprised and amazed.
The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is one of the wonders of the world.
He always forgets everything, so it's a wonder that he remembered his wife's birthday.

Def.: ware nakataha wey egkeupian ne egpakataha
MS: egkeupian ne egpakataha
If you wonder, you don't know something and you want to know it.
I wonder where my children are.
Nangendei buwa ka me anak ku mulè.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0501-0525
Status: ready

Last updated: 21/Jan/2013