Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Var. dutun
there (beyond reach but within sight)
Iyan seini ka lalag ne migtinurù meyitenged te sabeka ne inged wey ke hendei lenged. Egkaayunan degma te seini ne lalag ka natahuan te sabeka ne himu wey ke hinimu iling te baley, iskuylaan, eglengeren ne kayu, weyig, wey minsan nekey pad.
Hentew buwa ka egmanlelalag dutu te ampew?
Who is talking up there?
Wrd.Gloss: there
Eng. there (beyond reach but within sight)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: G

Updated by: RJH,TME,RJH
Last updated: 09/Jul/2013

Links to texts

"dutu" in text "Cooking in Bamboo"

"dutu" in text "Batting"

"dutu" in text "Batting"

"dutu" in text "Two carabaos fighting"

"dutu" in text "Death of a Young Man"

"dutu" in text "Datu Gawilan Rebels against the Government"

"dutu" in text "Morning Darkness"

"dutu" in text "Morning Darkness"

"dutu" in text "Aurelio's Marriage"

"dutu" in text "Making Lead Sinkers"

Links to health books

"dutu" in healthbook "Mania te keilangan neg lu-luan ta ka me belad ta?"

"dutu" in healthbook "Nekey-a ka kahew?"

"dutu" in healthbook "Mania teg pakapatey kag iindes?"

"Dutu" in healthbook "Mania teg pakapatey kag iindes?"

"dutu" in healthbook "Keilangan ka meupiya neg kakeen"

Link to Bible concordance
