Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (egdutdut, egpandutdut, agent, eg><ø-, eg><ø-paN-) to pluck out something (egdutduten, theme, eg><en-) such as hairs from the head or beard, or weeds from the ground
Wrd.Gloss: pluck_out
Ka egpandutdut iyan ka pegbarut te minsan nekey ne nakatalu wey ke migtubu naa ne keilangan ne eg-aween iling te benget, sumpe, bulbul te ilek wey ulu, wey ke uban naa. Egkaayun degma ne egdutduten/egpabaruten ka me hilamunen.
Egpandutdut a te me bulbul te manuk-manuk.
I pluck out the feathers of birds.
cf. lulu
Eng. pluck out; pull out; hair, pluck; feathers, pluck; extract
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for body hair or feathers (egkarutdut, patient, egkA><ø-) to fall out
Ka egkarutdut iyan ka pegkabarut wey pegkaawè te minsan nekey diyè te intubuan wey ke natahuan din naa iling te bulbul te minsan nekey wey ke hilamunen naa. Karumaan degma seini te lalag ne lulu iling te bulbul ne egkalulu.
Kenè nu gen-geni ka manuk ne nasubid su egkarutdut ka me bulbul.
Don't hold the wet chicken because its feathers might fall out.
Eng. hair fall out; lose hair/feathers
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 10/Sep/2012