Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: igkeupii; tuyù; tumung
MS: igkeupii; tuyù; tumung
an aim; something that you plan to achieve.
My objective is to finish my work by the end of the week.
Ka igkeupii ku ne egkeimpusan ku ka himu ku pegke-impus te simana.

Def.: malehet ne kamalehetan
MS: kamalehetan ne malehet
Objective information is real facts, not ideas or feelings.
They think that he stole the chickens, but they don't have any objective information to prove it.
Migsuman-suman sikandan ne migtakew rin ka manuk, piru warè kamalehetan ne kanengnengan ne igpakapakita ran.

Def.: eggamit te kamalehetan
MS: eggamit te kamalehetan
If you are objective about something, you use facts, not your feelings, to decide about it.
Be objective when you choose the winner; don't just choose your friend.
Gamit ka te kamalehetan ke eg-alam ka te egpanalu, kenè ne eg-alamen nu ka alukuy nu.
Sem.Dom.: AWL5
Status: ready

Last updated: 14/Jan/2013