Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: ka eglihawang ne seel puun te egpegtimulen ne me grupu te me numiru wey igdibayid te langun ne seel ke pila ne grupu te numiru ka impegtimul
You find the average of a group of numbers by adding the numbers together, and then dividing the total by how many numbers there are.
The average of 4, 9, 1 and 6 is 5 (20 divided by 4).

Def.: eleg-eleg ne karakelan
MS: eleg-eleg
The average is the usual amount. The amount is not exactly the same every time, but it is approximately the same.
I usually drink an average of about 2 liters of water per day.
Tagsè aldew eg-inum a te daruwa ne litru ne weyig ka eleg-eleg ne karakelan.

Def.: maheteng
MS: maheteng
An average thing is usual or normal.
He is average height for his age.
Maheteng ka kalayat din para te idad din.
It was just an average day, nothing special.
He's an average 4-year-old boy: he loves running around and playing with his friends.

Def.: eleg-eleg
MS: eleg-eleg
If something is average, it is okay, but not very good.
My mother is a really good singer, but my singing ability is only average.
Ka iney ku meupiya amana ne mangulahing, piru ka keddì ne katuenan te peg-ulahing eleg-eleg .
Sem.Dom.: GSL0651-0675
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012