Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egpehet-pehet
MS: egpehet-pehet
If you assure someone that something is the case, you promise them that it really is the case, so that they will feel comfortable.
I felt bad asking for help, but she assured me that she was happy to help me.
Miggeram ku ne mareet ka egpabulig, piru migpehet-pehet sikandin keddì ne egkahalè sikandin ne egbulig keddì.
Sem.Dom.: AWL9
Def.: lalag ne pegbagget su due pasalig ne kamalehetan
words which make you feel comfortable, because they promise that something really is the case.
She gave me many assurances that she was happy to help.
Migbeheyan a nikandin te masalig ne me lalag te pegbagget ne sikandin egkahalè ne egbulig.
Def.: kaluwanan te geyinawa
MS: kaluwanan te geyinawa
a feeling of being comfortable and sure about something.
She spoke to the large group with assurance, and did not look nervous.
Miglalag sikandin te katangenan ne due kaluwanan te geyinawa, wey egtengtengan ne warè .
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012