Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egtengteng eyew te pegnengneng
MS: egtengteng eyew te pegnengneng
If you assess something, you look at it carefully so that you know something about it (e.g., how good it is, how big it is, how much money it is worth).
My boss assessed my work and told me it was good.
Ka ahalen ku migtengteng eyew te pegnengneng te himu ku wey migkahi sikandin te meupiya.
They assessed the damage to the house and decided that they could not fix it.
They assessed my property so that they would know how much tax I should pay.

Def.: eg-el-elehan
MS: eg-el-elehan
If a teacher assesses students, they give tests and other work to them, in order to give grades to them.
Our teacher assesses us with a test every week.
Eg-el-elehan key te meistra ney tagsè simana.
Sem.Dom.: AWL1

n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: 1 pegtengteng eyew te pegnengneng; 2 peggeram te katuenan
MS: pegtengteng eyew te pegnengneng; peggeram te katuenan
the action of assessing.
They took the broken motorbike to the shop for assessment.
In-uyan dan ka mutur ne nareetan diyè te upiyaanan eyew egpatengtengan.
Def.: nanengnengan
MS: nanengnengan
the thing which you know after you have assessed something.
How much will it cost to fix it? What is your assessment?
n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: himu wey me insè eyew te pegnengneng te katuenan
the tests and work that teachers give to students so that they can give grades to them.
It is the end of the school year, so we have a lot of assessment now.
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012