Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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n-uc, n-ct.
Def.: seleppì ne ingkulikta te gubirnu puun diyè te me etew puun te imbayad dan degma seini diyè te gubirnu.
money which the government collects from people. The amount of tax you pay usually depends on how much you earn from working.

Def.: egpabayad (meyitenged te bayarenen diyè te gubirnu)
MS: egpabayad
If a government taxes people, it makes them pay tax.

Def.: egpakaalas [egpaka͡alas]; egpakaamin
MS: egpakaalas; egpakaamin
If something taxes a supply of something, it uses a lot of it, so that there is not very much remaining.
The marathon really taxed his strength.
Our visit to the hospital taxed our supply of money.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0376-0400
Status: ready

Last updated: 03/Oct/2012