Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egbehey te igpeyimu
MS: egbehey te igpeyimu
If you assign a piece of work to someone, you give them that work to do.
Our teacher assigns a lot of work.
Ka talagpanulù ney migbehey te masalig ne igpeyimu.
My mother assigned a job to each child: I washed the dishes, my sister cleaned the table and my brother cleaned the floor.

Def.: egpapeendiyè [egpape͡endiyè] te senge etew te nateil ne inged
MS: egpapeendiyè
If you assign someone to a place or group, you send them to that place or group (usually to work).
The army assigned the soldiers to west Mindanao.
Ka punduk te me sundalu migpapeendiyè [migpape͡endiyè] te me sundalu te iglineb ne baad te Mindanaw.

Def.: egkahi te nateil ne igpasabut te minsan nekey
If you assign a particular meaning to something, you say that the thing has that meaning.
People assign a special meaning to the 14th February: it is Valentine's Day.
Ka me etew intahahè te ka pitsa 14 te Pibriru: ne seini aldew te geyinawa.
Sem.Dom.: AWL6

Def.: senge himuwan ne igpeyimu te senge etew
a piece of work which someone has given you to do.
Our teacher gives us many homework assignments.
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012