Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: inged ne masalig ne nalibulung ne dereisek ne me tindaan [tinda͡an] ne egkabeliyan te masalig ne minsan nekey; palingki
MS: palingki
a place which has many small shops where you can buy fresh foods and many other things.

Def.: grupu te me etew ne egbebeli wey ke ne egkaayun ne egbebeli te nateil ne egbeliyen
the group of people why buy, or who may buy a particular product.
This product is aimed at the female market.
Ka seini ne pruduktu iyan tuyù ka me kamalmalitanan.
The market for rice is much bigger in the Philippines than in Australia.
85% of the market for that product is here in the Philippines.

Def.: egpeila-ila te igbelegyè ne pruduktu
MS: egpeila-ila te igbelegyè ne pruduktu
If you market a product, you help to sell it by creating advertising
The company is marketing that drink as a health drink.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0451-0475
Status: ready

Last updated: 27/Sep/2012