Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: eggimu wey egweil
MS: eggimu; egweil
If someone or something acts, they do something.
We must act now to stop the criminals.
I feel better already, so I think that the medicine is starting to act.

Def.: himu
MS: himu
one thing that a person does
He was a good man who did many acts of kindness.

Def.: egkeyimu
MS: egkeyimu
If someone acts as a job, they do that job. If something acts as a thing, it does the job of that thing.
The fallen tree acted as a bridge across the river.
Ka napeled ne kayu neyimu ne teytey te pahamayan ne weyig.
He is acting as director while the real director is on holiday.

Def.: eg-iling; iling
MS: eg-iling; iling
If you act like something, or act as if something is the case, you behave in that way.
If you are an adult, you shouldn't act like a child.
Ke buyag kad, keilangan ne kenè kad eg-iling te batè.
Don't eat so fast! You're acting as if you haven't eaten for a week.
kenè ka egkeen ne amana dugdud! iling kew te warad iya ingkeen te sabekan simana.
He is acting very strangely. Is he sick?

Def.: eggimu te weil te peg-uyan te pangguhuren
If you act, you perform in something such as a movie.
He enjoys drama lessons, because he loves acting.

Def.: pegpapitew-pitew
MS: pegpapitew-pitew
If someone's behavior is an act, it does not show how they truly feel.
She cried a lot, but it was just an act to get attention.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0251-0275
Status: ready

Last updated: 17/Jan/2012