Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for someone (eg-uyamu, mig-uyamu, agent, eg><ø-) to to watch over a process (such as something cooking) (eg-uyamuwen, theme, eg><en-)
Eg-uyamuwen ku pad ka sinuba.
I'm still looking after the cooking.
Si Apù Salmay ka mig-uyamu te asawa ku ne miglesutan.
Grandmother Salmay was the one who looked after my wife when she gave birth.
Eng. watch over; look after; monitor, to; check on
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for a midwife (egpanguyamu, migpanguyamu/impanguyamu, panguyamu, agent, eg><ø-paN-) to assist in childbirth
Eg-umew sikandin te egpanguyamu su eglesutan e si Imiralda.
He is going to inform a midwife to assist chilbirth because Imiralda will be giving birth.
Eng. assist in childbirth; midwife
Tag. komadroma; hilot; manghilot
Ceb. mananabáng; partira
OCM: Childbirth (844)
DDP: Help to give birth (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
(mangnguyamu, maN-rdpCV-) a midwife
Nasasew key ganna te maselem su eglesutan e ka asawa ku ne warè mangnguyamu.
We were worried earlier because my wife was ready to give birth but there was no midwife.
Eng. midwife
DDP: Help to give birth (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 10/Feb/2015

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"manguyamu" in text "Childbirth"