Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for the gun or trap (egkeuyamu, neuyamu, eg-uyamuwen, in-uyamu/mig-uyamu/pig-uyamu, theme, egkA><ø-, eg><en-) to be loaded by someone (eg-uyamu, mig-uyamu/in-uyamu, uyamu, agent, eg><ø-)
Neuyamu e ka sinapang ku, kulang naan seini te pegbekas.
My gun is loaded, the only thing remaining is to pull the trigger.
Kenè ka uyamu te piet ne kenè ne keykew su kema ke egkahepù.
Don't load a bow that isn't yours because it might snap.
Eng. load weapon; bend bow
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
v.Picture of neuyamu
Data Qual: QDL doesn't know this word
taut; tight, e.g. used in respect to a bow string
Eng. taut
Meupiya ka batasan ni Isun su neuyamu te amey te egpanulu te meupiya ne pegbebatasan.
Eng. tight
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 06/Nov/2015

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"manguyamu" in text "Childbirth"