Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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Ka lapi iyan ka nayè diyè te me hilamunen wey me pinamula ne napeled te minsan nekey.
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F
for someone (eglapì, miglapì/inlapì, agent, eg><ø-) to flat something such as cogon grass, rice plants (eglapien, inlapì/miglapì/piglapì, patient, eg><en-) in order to pass (iglapia, inlapia, iglapii, inlapii, reason, ig><a-, ig><i-) for a purpose
Eng. flat, to
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for plants (egkalapì, nalapì, egkA><ø-)
Wrd.Gloss: to be flatten
Ka egkalapì iyan ka me hilamunen wey me pinamula ne egkapeled te minsan nekey iling te etew, ayam, mananap, kalamag, weyig wey duma pad.
Egkalapì e kangkuwa te makeseg ne kalamag ka aheley ta.
The strong wind might flattens our corn.
Mesì egpahanuy ka ne kenè nu ipabayè diyè te kamet su egkalapì ka pinamula ku.
If you will pull (a log) do not pass on to my field because my plants will be flatten.
Eglapien ta ka kalan su eyew egkaralanan ka egluluruyan ta.
We will flatten the cogon grass so that our sliding path will have a direction.
Eng. flat; fall over
Ceb. tumba
Online dict status: -
Usage level: F

Updated by: TME,QDL
Last updated: 03/Feb/2010