Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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as long as
Wrd.Gloss: as_long_as
Gramm. Class I? clause combining subordinating conjunction
Mesi eggendini si Aman ne kahii nu te egpaliberen kaasalem su egselem-selem a eggipanew kuntee.
Whenever Aman comes tell him to come back tomorrow because I will leave early today.
Mesi iya etew ne kenè egtulik, egsahap iya layun.
As long as a person is dumb he will always suffer.
Mania te mesi eggendini a ne egsuwayan a nikaniyu?
Why is it that whenever I'll come here you will get lost?
Eng. as long as; except; provided; if only; but if?; whenever; if
Tag. bastá
Ceb. basta
WBM: mesì
OCM: Grammar (193), Logic (811)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: G

Updated by: RJH,TME
Last updated: 22/Mar/2009