Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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wandering everywhere
Ka lantarè ne lalag eggamiten seini ke due sabeka ne etew ne egpanaman-taman eglewuk-lewuk wey mananey eg-ulì ne warè malehet ne eggendiyaan wey ke egpabulusan naa.
Kenè kew lantarè su due mangngayew.
Do not wander around because there is a murderer around.
Eglantareen kud ka inged su warad igkabantali ku.
I'm wandering around the world because I have nothing to worry about.
Eng. walk around; roaming around; nomad; vagrant; vagabond
Tag. gumala
Ceb. latagaw
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
Created: 17/Dec/2013
Updated by: RAA,RJH
Last updated: 18/Dec/2015