Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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you (singular)
Wrd.Gloss: you(sg)
Naalimengawan a keykew.
I missed you.
Bantey ka su ig-antug ku diyè te keykew seini se paan.
Watch out because I'm going to throw this bread to you.
Igbehey ku keykew ka kumbalè ku su kenè kud ne eleg.
I will give you my shirt because it doesn't fit me anymore.
Igpalenged ku ka seini ne kuddè te nasambayan ku keykew ne babuy.
I'll guarantee my horse for the swine that I borrowed from you.
Gramm. 2nd person singular non-focus pronoun (Set III)
Eng. you(sg); you(sg), to
Tag. ikáw; iyó
Ceb. ikaw; imo
Binukid: ikaw
OCM: Grammar (193)
DDP: Pronouns (9.2.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: G
Wrd.Gloss: your
Meupiya ka keykew ne pegsulat ke egpinakatayen nu.
Your writing is better if you use cursive style.
Gramm. 2nd person singular possessive pronominal specifier (prepositional)
Eng. your (sg); yours (sg), of
Binukid: kanak
OCM: Grammar (193)
DDP: Pronouns (9.2.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: G
yours (singular)
Keykew e seini su pusung ku.
My heart will be yours.
Gramm. 2nd person singular possessive pronoun
Eng. yours (sg)
OCM: Grammar (193)
DDP: Pronouns (9.2.3)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: G

Updated by: RJH,QDL,NJK
Last updated: 13/Oct/2009

Links to texts

"keykew" in text "Requesting a Loan"

"keykew" in text "Requesting a Loan"

"keykew" in text "Requesting a Loan"

"keykew" in text "Requesting a Loan"

"keykew" in text "Requesting a Loan"

"keykew" in text "Two carabaos fighting"

"keykew" in text "A Father Tells His Children about School"

"keykew" in text "A Father Tells His Children about School"

"keykew" in text "A Father Tells His Children about School"

"keykew" in text "A Father Tells His Children about School"

Link to Bible concordance
