Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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both dust from the road or from the table
Ka epung sika ka maralem ne igngaran te abug, usahay egkahi ka me buyag te epung te egpinuuwan, epung te terak wey duma pad.
Data Qual: rani check
Te! Epung naan te terak ka nakita ku su amanan masiyapat ne eglingkesu.
Oh! Only the dust of the car remains that I can see, because it is going very fast.
O. Syn. abug
O. Syn. alinepung
O. Syn. aliyabuk
Eng. dust (dust from both table and road); dirt
DDP: Soil, dirt (
Online dict status: c
Usage level: M
for someone (eg-epung, mig-epung/in-epung, epung, agent, eg><ø-) to clean the dust which is on something (eg-epungan, in-epungan/mig-epungan/pig-epungan, epungi, location, eg><an-) using a cloth (ig-epung, in-epung, instrument, ig><ø-)
Eg-epungan ni mengekakey ka lamisa.
Eldest brother clean up the table.
Data Qual: when we say eg-epung it is understood that someone using cloth to just soft beating of something to clean
Eng. dust, to; dust, remove; remove dust; clean dust off, to
OCM: Housekeeping (356)
DDP: Soil, dirt (
Online dict status: c
Usage level: M

Last updated: 29/Jul/2014