Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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at the same time; simultaneously, e.g., to kill two birds with the same stone
Wrd.Gloss: simultaneously; to grab the opportunity
Panakeru ke pa ne dahas kad naa bebeli te sukal.
Will you please fetch water and then go buy sugar directly.
Eng. simultaneously; at the same time
Online dict status: -
Usage level: G
next, soon after
Eng. next; soon after; then
Ceb. dayon
Online dict status: -
Usage level: G
Data Qual: these probably can't both be right

for someone (egparahas-dahas, migparahas-dahas/imparahas-dahas, agent, egpA-rdpRT-) to continue to do (egparahas-dahasan, imparahas-dahasan/migparahas-dahasan/pigparahas-dahasan, patient, egpA><an-rdpRT-) something (mission, vission, goal, etc.) (igparahas-dahas, reason, igpA-rdpRT-) for having success
Ka egparahas-dahas iyan ka egpabulus-bulus wey egpaheteng-geteng te minsan nekey ne eggimuwen iling te eggipanew, eglalag, eg-ulahing wey duma pad.
Egparahas-dahas sikandin te peg-iskuyila rin diyè te Dabaw.
She/he is continuing her/his study at Davao.
Egparahas-dahasan sikandin te dalu rin ne buwè.
Her caugh is continuing.
Sika ka igparahas-dahas te buwè din su kenè ma eg-inum te tambal.
Her cough continues because she/he is not taking medicine.
Eng. continues
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

for someone (maparahas-dahas, actor, mA1-pA-rdpRT-) survivor
Maparahas-dahas sikandin ka eg-iskuyila minsan warè egkakeen.
She is a survivor because even without anything to eat, she's still studying.
Eng. survivor
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 14/Aug/2012

Links to health books

"parahas" in healthbook "Egbuween wey egnguwehen si Lukas"

Links to songbook

"Parahas" in song "Egsalihan"