Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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for a person (eg-ayun-ayun, mig-ayun-ayun/in-ayun-ayun, ayun-ayun, agent, eg><ø-rdpRT-) to fit something or to try (eg-ay-ayunen, in-ayun-ayun/mig-ayun-ayun/pig-ayun-ayun, ay-ayuna, patient, eg><en-rdpCV-)
Eng. fit, to; try, to
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

for a person (eg-ay-ayunen, in-ayun-ayun/mig-ayun-ayun/pig-ayun-ayun, ay-ayuna, ay-ayunen, actor, eg><ø-rdpCVC-) to get ready
Eng. get ready, to
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

for a person (eg-ayun, mig-ayun/in-ayun, actor, eg><ø-) to die
Mig-ayun e ka amey te amey ku.
My grandfather was died.
Eng. die; pass away
DDP: Die (2.6.6)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for a person (eg-ayun, mig-ayun/in-ayun, actor, eg><ø-) to set-off on a trip
Eg-ayun ad.
I will leave.
Eng. set-off on a trip; get on road; depart; leave, to
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for a group of people (nangayun, agent, naN-) to have already left
Ka nangayun/mig-ayun iyan ka peggipanew te minsan hentew peendiyè te egpabulusan din ne due migpaligkat/nakaseip wey ke warè naa.
Nangayun bes e sikandan, kahiyen ku ne kaaselem sikandan egligkat!
Oh, they've left already, I thought they would leave tomorrow!
Eng. leave; travel; gone; went; start
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

for a person (eg-ayun, mig-ayun/in-ayun, actor, eg><ø-) to lay down on the floor not vertically on the design (eg-ayunan, in-ayunan/mig-ayunan/pig-ayunan, location, eg><an-)
Eng. lay down
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 08/Jan/2016

Links to texts

"kaayun" in text "Cooking in Bamboo"

"kaayun" in text "Cooking in Bamboo"

Links to phrasebook

"egkaayun" in text "Inse wey tabak 2"

"Egkaayun" in text "Pegbebeli wey peg-isues te bali"

Links to health books

"Egkaayun" in healthbook "Mania teg pakapatey kag iindes?"

"egkaayun" in healthbook "Mania teg pakapatey kag iindes?"

"egkaayun" in healthbook "Keilangan ka meupiya neg kakeen"

"egkaayun" in healthbook "Keilangan ka meupiya neg kakeen"

"egkaayun" in healthbook "Anak ni Biltu ne migkerid"

Link to Bible concordance
