Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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n.Picture of anunang
a wild big dirty white skin tree that grows anywhere, and it has small leaves
Ka anunang iyan ka kayu ne egmeebul se batek te luwit wey bayew dereisek ka dewun. Minsan hendei seini egtubu wey meupiya degma ne klasi ne pinamula.
Eng. tree variety
OCM: Flora (137)
DDP: Tree (1.5.1)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

for someone (eg-anunang, mig-anunang/in-anunang, agent, eg><ø-) to be corpse (eg-anunangen, in-anunang/mig-anunang/pig-anunang, patient) the dead body move around
Wrd.Gloss: corpse_move
Cult. This supposedly happens because the family has been using anunang wood for fires and it causes a person to die slowly. However, the younger generation think that maybe it happens because the person wasn't completely dead.
Ka eg-anunangen iyan ka mananey egpatey wey minsan migpatey e duen pad geyinawa diyè te abelengan din.
Mananey migpatey ka malitan su eg-anunangen.
The woman died slowly because she was a corpse moving.
Eng. corpse move; body move
DDP: Corpse (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 17/Nov/2009