Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a deity
Wrd.Gloss: anit_deity
Cult. usually called Diwata. He is in charge of rain an d to punished those people who make animals to be funny.
Iyan din ingkapekù su mig-anitan.
The reason he had a hunch back because he was being punished by Anit.
Anit ka igngaran te talaglegpad te minsan hentew ne egngisi te me uled-uled.
The punisher of anybody that laugh of insects/worms is Anit.
Eng. spirit variety; evil spirit
DDP: Soul, spirit (3.1)
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
a taboo
Eng. taboo
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R
for animal (eg-anit, patient, eg><ø-) to not laugh with animals
Kenè ka ngisi te liwati, egkapekù ka su eg-anit.
Do not laugh to earthworm, it's cause you to hunch back.
Eg-anit ka me uled, kutu wey langew ke eg-balbalayen.
Snake, lice, and flies, will+offend Anit deity if someone make fun of them.
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (eg-anitan, mig-anitan/in-anitan, eg><an-) to break the anit taboo
Wrd.Gloss: anit_taboo
Cult. e.g., by committing incest
Eg-anitan e perem si Iney su migngisi ma te bakbak.
Mother almost experience+taboo because she laugh a frog.
Nahulibed si Usmin dengan su mig-anitan.
Usmin was twisted before because he was experienced+taboo.
Eng. incest
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 06/Apr/2018

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"Anit" in text "Examples of Anit"

"Anit" in text "Examples of Anit"

"Anit" in text "Examples of Anit"