Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egsaluub te minsan nekey diyè te me baad te lawa
If you wear something such as clothing, jewelry, or make-up, you put it on your body to cover or decorate yourself.

Def.: nateil ne klasiyan te me manggad ne igpanaluub
a particular type of clothing (e.g., casual wear).

Def.: egkareetan e su nahamit e te malayat ne timpu
If something wears, it becomes damaged because it is used a lot or used for a long time.
These tsinillas have worn thin.
Migmanipis e seini ne me sinilas su nasaluub e.

Def.: egpakarereet
MS: egpakarereet
If something wears another thing, it causes that other thing to become damaged over a period of time.
The river wore the stones until they became smooth.
Ka pahamayan ne weyig nakapeiyam te me batu taman te neyimu seini ne mallurung.

Def.: pegkareeti puun te peggamit
MS: pegkareeti
Wear is the damage that happens to something because it is used a lot.
This chair is old, but it doesn't show any sign of wear, because it is very good quality.
There are no big problems with the motorbike, just general wear from everyday driving.

Def.: kaluhayan te timpu te pegkahamit
MS: kaluhayan te timpu te pegkahamit
Wear is the amount of time that you can use something before it becomes damaged or too old.
Those shoes are good quality, so you will get a lot of wear out of them.
Meupiya seeyè ne klasiyan te sepatus, sika ka due kaluhayan nu te egpanggamit due.
Irreg.  wore, worn.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0601-0625
Status: ready

Last updated: 20/Sep/2012