Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: egbebasbas
MS: egbebasbas
If you practice something, or practice doing something, you do it more than once so that you can learn to do it well.
The children practiced their dance every day for the Fiesta.
n-uc, n-ct.

Def.: pegbebasbas
MS: pegbebasbas
the action of doing something more than one time so that you can learn to do it well.
It requires a lot of practice to play the guitar well.
We have a dance practice this afternoon for next month's Fiesta.

Def.: eggimu layun (te minsan nekey)
MS: eggimu layun
If you practice a particular activity, you do it regularly.
The Matigsalug elders practiced herbal medicine.
Ka me Matigsalug ne me buyag eggamit layun te me bawì puun te me sagbet.
He is a practicing Catholic, but his brother is Catholic in name only.
n-uc, n-ct.

Def.: malasi eggimuwa ne himu
MS: himu ne malasi eggimuwa
something that you regularly do.
It is my practice to get up at 5:30 in the morning.
Seini ka layun ku eggimuwa ne eg-unew te alas singku midya te maselem.

Def.: peglasi-lasi peggimu te himu
MS: peglasi-lasi peggimu te himu
the action of doing something (put something into practice).
I hope she will put my advice into practice.

Def.: eggimu te nateil ne katuenan
MS: eggimu te nateil ne katuenan
If you practice a particular profession (e.g., law, medicine), you do it as your job.
He practices law in Davao.

Def.: punduk te me etew ne eggimu te nateil katuenan iling te bawì wey ke kukuman.
a company of people who do a particular kind of work, such as medicine or law.
He has a small legal practice in the city, with three attorneys.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0626-0650
Status: ready

Last updated: 27/Sep/2012