Matigsalug Manobo Student Dictionary

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Def.: talaggukum; huwis
MS: talaggukum; huwis
the most important person in a law court, who can decide how to use the law in a particular situation

Def.: eggukum ke egmenuwen te eggamit ka balaud te nateil ne sitwasyun
If a judge judges someone who has a problem with the law, they decide how to use the law in that situation.

Def.: eggukum ke meupiya naa wey ke mareet (meyitenged te butang, etew wey ke himu)
If you judge something, you decide if it is good or bad. If you judge someone, you decide if their actions and their character are good (in your opinion).
You need to judge your own work before you give it to the teacher.
Keilangan ne eggukuman nu pad ka himu nu te kenè nu pad igbehey te talagpanulù nu.
She is very quick to judge people, even when she doesn't know their situation.
Amana ne malabundus sikandin ne eggukum te me etew, minsan warè nakataha sikandin te sitwasyun.

Def.: eg-alahè te minsan nekey
MS: eg-alahè
If you judge something such as an amount, you try to guess how big it is.
It's hard to judge the distance between here and there. Maybe it's about 2km.
Malised ne eg-alaheen ka kariyuan kayi wey diyè. Kema buwa ke me daruwa ne kilumitru.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0501-0525; keyterms
Status: ready

Last updated: 18/Jan/2012