Def.: kasabutan
MS: kasabutan
an arrangement between people or companies where each one agrees to do, give or pay something (make a deal).
The two farmers made a deal to help each other at harvest time.
Def.: egbeli wey ke egbelegyè te minsan nekey
If a business deals in a particular product, that is the product that they buy or sell.
Sorry, we don't deal in that brand of televisions.
vt, vi.
Def.: egpamehey wey ke egtalad-talad te baraha
If you deal cards in a card game, you give them out to the people in a group.
He dealt the cards and then waited for people to arrange their cards.
Def.: meyitenged te nateil ne guhuren
MS: meyitenged
If something such as a book or movie deals with a particular topic, it is about that topic.
The movie deals with the issue of homelessness.
Def.: egpakalalag
MS: egpakalalag
If you deal with a person, you communicate with them.
She is an English teacher, so she deals with international students all the time.
Inglis sikandin ne talagpanulù, sikak egpakalalag sikandin te me istudyanti gawas te nasud te langun ne timpu.
Def.: egsalerepen
MS: egsalerepen
If you have to deal with something bad or difficult, you experience that thing.
She has many problems to deal with.
Masalig ne prublima rin ne egsalerepen.
Def.: eggusey te prublima
MS: eggusey
If you deal with a problem, you are able to do something to solve it or survive it.
Our cat deals with the rats, so we don't have a rat problem now.
Irreg. dealt, dealt.
Sem.Dom.: GSL0376-0400
Status: ready
Last updated: 21/Sep/2012