/kon-dakt (v), kon-dakt (n)/
Def.: eggimu; eg-uyan; egdumalè
MS: eggimu; eg-uyan; egdumalè
If you conduct something such as an activity, you organize it and do it.
The Barangay conducted a survey of our area.
Ka Barangay miggimu te pegpangleuy te lugar ney.
Def.: eg-uyan te pegkeetew (te nateil pamaahi)
MS: eg-uyan te pegkeetew
If you conduct yourself in a particular way, that is the way that you behave.
She always conducts herself very well.
Layun meupiya ka peg-uyan din te kandin ne pegkeetew.
Def.: pamaahi te peg-uyan te pegkeetew; pegbebatasan
MS: pegbebatasan
Your conduct is the way that you behave
Parents should teach their children about good conduct.
Ka me amey wey iney keilangan ne egpanulù te me anak dan te meupiya ne pegbebatasan.
Def.: eg-uyan; eg-alap
MS: eg-uyan; eg-alap
If you conduct someone somewhere, or on a tour, you take them.
He conducted the visitors through the caves.
Mig-uyan din ka me mahaliyug diyè te sulung.
Def.: egpanleytayan; eg-usuhan
MS: egpanleytayan; eg-usuhan
If a material conducts something such as electricity or heat, electricity or heat can travel through it.
Metal conducts heat, that's why the spoon gets hot in the pot.
Ka putew egpanleytayan te meinit, sika ka silut egmeinit ke igtahù te kendiru ne meinit.
Sem.Dom.: AWL2
Status: ready
Last updated: 26/Sep/2012