Def.: eg-angken
MS: eg-angken
If you acknowledge that something is true, you agree that it is true (even if it is difficult for you to agree).
I acknowledge that I was wrong.
Eg-angkenen ku ne naseyyup a.
Def.: eg-alukuy (meyitenged te peg-en-endungè)
MS: eg-alukuy
If you acknowledge someone, you show that you know the other person is there (maybe by nodding your head).
I said hello but he didn't acknowledge me.
Migkahi a te meupiya piru warè mig-al-alukuy keddì.
Def.: egpasalamat wey ke egpanengneng te nakuwe e
MS: egpasalamat; egpanengneng
If you acknowledge a letter or gift, you thank the person or tell them that you have received it.
He didn't acknowledge my text message, so I don't know if he got it.
Warè migpanengneng sikandin ke nakuwa rin e ka tiks ku, sika ka warè ku nataheyi ke narawat din e.
Def.: egpasalamat diyè te katangenan
MS: egpasalamat
If you acknowledge someone, you publicly thank them for doing something.
At the end of the Fiesta, the Barangay captain acknowledged the organizers of the fiesta.
Te impus te pista, ka kepitan migpasalamatan diyè te katangenan ka miggimu te kalibulungan.
Sem.Dom.: AWL6
n-ct, n-uc.
Def.: 1 peg-angken; 2 peg-al-alukuy; 3 pegpasalamat wey ke pegpanengneng te nakuwe e; 4 pegpasalamat diyè te katangenan
MS: peg-angken; peg-al-alukuy; pegpasalamat wey ke egpanengneng te nakuwe e; pegpasalamat diyè te katangenan
the action of acknowledging someone or something.
Status: ready
Last updated: 26/Sep/2012