Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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later on
Wrd.Gloss: when
Ka seini iyan sika se warè amana klaru ne pangasak duwa-ruwa ke egkatuman.
Wey te buwad eg-impusi ka me himu ta.
We will try to finish the work later on.
Wey e egbehey sikandin te bayad ke egkeimpusan nud e ka himu.
He will pay you after you finish your work.
Wey e egbehey sikandin te dasag te langun ne me anak din.
And then He will give a gifts to all of his children.
Eng. then; after; when; later on
Online dict status: -
Usage level: G

Updated by: RJH,QDL
Last updated: 13/Oct/2009

Links to texts

"wey" in text "Examples of Anit"

"wey" in text "Childbirth"

"wey" in text "Proving Innocence I (When Accused of Theft)"

"wey" in text "Cooking in Bamboo"

"wey" in text "Where I Went to School"

"wey" in text "Batting"

"wey" in text "Long Ago I"

"wey" in text "The Barrio Fiesta (Egsahakeen) and Castration"

"wey" in text "Requesting a Loan"

"wey" in text "Two carabaos fighting"