Matigsalug Manobo Vernacular Lexicon

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a body louse
Ka tuma ne kutu su diyè te lawa egkahat kenè ne diyè te ulu wey memaangkag se batek.
The body lice is a body biter not in the head, and it has white color.
cf. kutu
Eng. body louse; crab lice; louse; lice
Tag. kúto
Ceb. túma; kúto; karapáta
Ilo.: kúto
OCM: Fauna (136), Personal Hygiene (515)
DDP: Insect (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M
for someone (egtumeen, egtume:n, patient, eg><en-) to have body lice
Egtumeen ka etew ne kenè egpampamanihus tenged su egdakupal e ke belu rin.
The man will be having body lice cause of the great dirt (in his body) because of not taking a bath daily.
Eng. lice infested; infested with lice
Online dict status: -
Usage level: R

Last updated: 15/Oct/2009

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