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for someone (egsagsahukul, migsagsahukul, agent, eg><ø-rdpCVC-) to complain about something (igsagsahukuli, insagsahukuli, igkasagsahukuli, ingkasagsahukuli, theme, ig-rdpCVC–i, igkA-rdpCVC–i) to someone else (egsagsahukulan, insagsaukulan, location, eg><an-rdpCVC-)
Wrd.Gloss: complain
Amana si Mimie ka egsagsahukul puun su dakel amana ka eggimuwen din.
Memie is always complaining because she has so much to do.
Narineg ku si Elisa ka egsagsahukul diyè te abuwan, kunaleg te iyan din bes igkasagsahukuli ka natambù ne me pelatu wey me kuren ne keilangan ne eglinisan.
I heard Elisa complaining at the stove, since what she's complaining about are the piled up plates and pots that need to be cleaned.
Eng. complain; grumble; groan; gripe; criticize; grizzle
DDP: Discontent (
Online dict status: -
Usage level: M

Last updated: 07/Dec/2015